News Release
Mitacs Releases First Progress Report on Inclusive Innovation Action Plan

One year in, Mitacs’s three-year Inclusive Innovation Action Plan is contributing to sustainable change in equity, diversity, inclusion, and reconciliation in Canada Vancouver, BC — Mitacs is pleased to publish the first annual report on the progress of the 2023–26 Inclusive Innovation Action Plan (IIAP). The document reveals that the organization has made considerable progress […]

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News Release
Mitacs and Kenjgewin Teg Demonstrate Commitment to Inclusive Innovation Supporting New Indigenous Research

M’Chigeeng, ON— Mitacs, a leading Canadian non-profit organization dedicated to fostering innovation and research, proudly announces a key partnership with Kenjgewin Teg, an accredited Indigenous-led and governed post-secondary institution in Ontario. This new alliance marks a significant stride in Mitacs’s promise to support inclusive innovation by design and collaborate with Indigenous institutions that are closely […]

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